Thursday, December 5

Woohoo, I made it through the day! I got off (work!!) shortly after 12:15 then drove home. I had decided to get some things ready to mail then run them to the post office this afternoon rather than tomorrow. Fridays are a nightmare at the post office anyway, but add a holiday and its horrid. I came home, got the packages all sorted then went to the post office. I stood in line for all of about 30 seconds! It was such a miracle! I mailed two cards (overseas) and two packages. I WILL work on my other cards this weekend... or at least that is my plan. I am just so tired!!! I've got a sore throat so I'm thinking my immune system is attacking my thyroid again, it feels like that kind of a sore throat, not the deathly ill/flu type. I can't wait to get on the clinical trial for the RA - hopefully the medication will keep my total immune system in line. I just hurt all over - so I'm not working out tonight. Bah! I know I should, because I need to keep my joints moving but ya know what? I'm just not gonna tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, I need to get my cleaning done, then start with the Christmas decorations. OMG did I just say that?! I really am not in the mood, but maybe once I get started it will get easier. I need to get this stuff done this weekend because next weekend is a total shopping weekend. I need some ideas on what to get the Timster (my boss) and the cubemate Greg. I usually give them baked goods, but I'm cutting back on that this year and want to do something different. Maybe I can find a fun desk decoration/gadget or something. Any ideas?? NO, I'm not gonna crawl under their desks and give them a real prezzie! I know you were thinking that, but don't even go there! LOL! My company work party is Saturday night. I got up the nerve to ask one old chatting buddy if he'd like to go with me, but he said he couldn't because his work party was the same night... well, gave it a shot. So, I'm taking my nephew Travis. He's pretty entertaining and a sweetie so we should have fun. He's excited about the prime rib... and I'll try not to take it personally that he was more excited about the prime rib then spending the evening with his Autie Karen Pooh. LOL! I was in the same sentence, just that I came last - after the prime rib. As I left today, I was saying good-bye to Tim and told him I'd see him Saturday night... he asked, "You mean you're actually bringing someone?" *cringe* I laughed and said "Yes, but not the "type" you're thinking... I'm bringing my nephew!" Boy do I feel pathetic or what?! Here my boss was all excited at the prospect of me bringing a "real date". Shit. LOL!!! Why break tradition now - I've worked for the company for almost 8 years and haven't brought a "real date" yet!