Wednesday, December 4

I work with some whiny-assed boobs. I just spent 2.5 hours in a peer-review meeting of a re-vamped Project Management workshop. I get to make the workshop slides all pretty and to have a common look/feel/format when the tech part is done. As they were going through making the "technical changes" I was looking at these slides and just cringing. There are so many details that need to be fixed - but thats one thing I'm good at, is fixing these things. Anyway, these guys are supposed to get the slides to me on Dec 9. They've know this for over a month. All of the sudden they're saying "oh, but that's too soon, waaah, waaah, waah." Of course they tell ME this at the very end of the meeting after the workshop manager has left. I said, "Its Tracy's schedule and I have cleared what time I can to work on the slides. If you need to change it, talk to her - as well as Debi who has to take them to the printer after I'm done with them." They whined some more... I was just about to just walk out, but I counted to ten (thousand) and said in a giggly sweet voice, "Well, I guess you need to put those project management skills of yours into work then, huh?" The looks on their faces was priceless! They all laughed and said, "You're right, we'll do our best to get them to you by the 9th." HA! I don't think I'm going to get them on the 9th but hey, if they try what else can I do?! I think Tracy added some extra time in to the schedule because she knows how these guys are. So, we'll see how it works out. I've got a ton of stuff to do next week besides the slides, so I'm not going to worry about it at this point. I've got one more meeting this afternoon, but it should be relatively painless and only 30-45 minutes (hopefully!!).