Sunday, December 1

Dad made it through the night without having to go to the emergency, thank goodness! He's doing so much better this morning. No more severe chest pains, no more nausea, and his blood sugar was 108. Perfect. Whew. He will call his doctor tomorrow and let him know about he episode, but he knows his doc is going to tell him to 1) quit walking so fast and 2) don't walk when its so cold out - stick to the treadmill. Dad always has to push it to the limit, I think. He does so enjoy his walks with Ralph, they're such good buddies and it is good that Dad has someone to walk and talk with. Some ass called my parents at 5:25 this morning. One of the asshole Ellis' friends looking for him because he owes him money - surprise surprise and he knew that Kathy was getting her welfare check this morning. Then Ellis (who was who knows where - at least he hasn't stayed here the past couple of days!) called about 6:30 looking for Kathy who had gone to Walmart to try and find a certain thing for the baby for Xmas. Then that friend called back about 7:00 looking for both Kathy and Ellis. Sheesh! Don't they know its a Sunday morning and people have better things to do - like sleep! - then answer their phone calls? If they would have called my phone line (which they don't know the number and never will!) I would have told them where to go, I wish my Dad would have but he's too nice. OK... enough bitching. tee hee Not much planned for today, besides getting my laundry done and hopefully work out. I'm feeling a bit rough right now but am hoping I'll feel better enough in a little while to work out. Just gonna relax and enjoy my Sunday. I really don't want to go to work tomorrow! Its been so nice having 4 days off! Enjoy your day everyone!!!