Wednesday, December 18

One of the whiny-assed boobs (Larry) here at work just about got his butt kicked my moi today. I am so pissed at him - he was supposed to have his workshop materials to me on Dec 9. I was nice - gave him an extra week, so the materials were supposed to be given to me on Monday, so since I wasn't here, that actually gave him an extra day. I was really busy yesterday working on other things, so it gave him yet another day. I was supposed to have the stuff first thing this morning. Did I?! Nope... which was still OK, because I had some other stuff to finish up first thing this morning. So, about 8:30 this morning, he said I could work on the "Appendices" and 3 of the 20 sections of slides and told me where I could find them on the network. Well, wasn't that nice of him... so now I've got the Appendices done and the 3 sections. He's supposed to have the rest of it to me in the morning... and he was supposed to work on them this afternoon... now where is he? He's MIA (missing in action). I told him - no ifs about it - I have to have all day tomorrow to finish it. He started whining about how he thinks its dumb that he has to have his materials ready 2 weeks before the workshop... good question. Its got to go through me, then I have to hand if off to Debi to be reproduced and readied. I told Larry that Debi and I would like to have a holiday and get this stuff done. That kind of shut him up... GRRR! I guess there's nothing I can do, so I best not stress out about it. Its not MY problem - its his and he's trying to make it mine. Whiny-assed boob. On the good part of the day: I went to my doc appt, and got my second "conditioning" shots, and will see them again on Monday, and I think this is when I get taught how to give myself the shots... ooohhh fun ;-) They're tiny little needles, smaller than Dad's insulin syringes so I don't think it will be a big deal. But she said I couldn't give the shots to myself in my ass (damn!! more cushion there!) but would do it in my stomach and legs. Then I went to this office's Xmas lunch. It was a lot of fun and we played a present game and Debi and Dan played their wooden flutes (can't remember what they're called). I snapped a pic of Debi just as she made a mistake and everyone blamed me for the goof - it was pretty funny... but it wasn't my fault really. tee hee My friend Linda gave me a really cool gift, its a tiny radio controlled car! LOL!! What a riot!!!!!! Hey Colin - if you thought I drove that baggage cart bad - it ain't nothing compared to how I drive this car! Bad hand-eye coordination I guess... now I understand why I don't play video games very well. I'll have to take the car home and practice - and drive my cat nuts! I'm pooped! 30 minutes left and counting before I can go home!