Tuesday, December 3

Ohhh, I'm off to a good start today. I always worry when I have a relatively good hair day because bad things tend to happen... days like this I just need to hide but unfortunately I can't. Anyway, I had to stop and get gas this morning. The stupid nozzle decided to spit gas out before the automatic shut off popped off - gas all over my shoe and foot. Damnit. I had an old rag in my trunk so I wiped off as much as I could. Then I get in my car, and something starts poking me (not what I'd like to poke me, however), something sharp. It must have been a spring from my seat, anyway, it snagged my dress, cut my leg and of course these nylons are history but I don't have any spares here at work. Shit. I got here to work, went into the restroom and sprayed hairspray on the hole in my nylons hoping that will stop the majority of the running... then STING! Hairspray in the wound! OUCH! I also put my foot in the sink to try and wash off the smell of gas. Its better but not gone. Good thing I wear old shoes between home and work! I've got unsmelly ones I can wear here. OK Universe - what else ya got for me today?! LOL!! Well, at least I'm having a better day than this poor guy!