Wednesday, December 11

Whew - no time for play today! This is gonna be a quick post while I'm running a query on my database... have sooo much to do today, finish financials, reports, etc., UGH. I also have a doctor appointment today, for that clinical trial I'm starting for my Rheumatoid Arthritis! I'm really excited about starting it - and hopefully getting some relief. I will be gone around 3 hours I imagine since I have to get x-rays as well as see the doctor, and the clincial trial coordinator so she can show me how to give myself the shots (FUN!) and give me instructions... then have to run back here, have a meeting. I'm going to be in classes tomorrow and Monday so today I HAVE to get this stuff done... Oh - database is done with the query... gotta run. I hope everyone has a GREAT day - I'll catch up with everyone when I get home tonight.