Monday, October 28

Very warm and stuffy in here. Had to resort to turning my fans under my desks on... ahhhh.. quite nice really, but not as "nice" as summer when I don't have these nylons on, they hinder and take some of the fun of having gusts of air blown up my desk. Weeeee!! Just checked out the new website for the organization I work for. Guess who's name, e-mail, and phone number is on the front page at the bottom, just above the webmasters? Yup, you got it. MINE. This is to fend off all the dumb, silly, obvious, and "I'm too lazy to search your webpage for the answer" questions from being directed to the webmasters or the "important" people. Think it will work? We shall see. I guess I've been voted the person to answer these questions because 1) I do customer service type stuff, 2) I have much experience in answering dumb questions because of my cubemate and 3) I don't have anything better to do (HA!!!!!!!!!) and 4) I'm just plain special. I don't mind really... I think my name was posted all over the old page too. I must say they re-did the webpage splendidly. I'm impressed. Other than the fan thing, I'm not getting any thrills today. Come on people, help me out. I need some thrills. *snicker* Or just a hello will do... I LOVE getting comments!