Wednesday, October 9
Act V Scene II: *You are helping me color my hair - again! I am not liking this macaroni & Cheese color.* Quiet on the set!! Roll tape..... and....ACTION!!
Christy: It's finally chilly here!! Hooray! Now I just need my snugglebunny. Remember your favorite snuggly stuffed animal/thing you always used to love on? What was it's name?
Karen: Yes, he was a clown that my Mom had made. His name was Herman. I STILL have him.
Christy: Yeah, i know, this color is crazy. I was just getting it all one color again. My daughter calls it buttered popcorn now. I hope you will be able to get it back to soccer-mom normal again. I have always wondered what black would look like on me, though. You ever had a hair color you wanted to try if you could buy the guts to go along with it?
Karen: I went "darker" for a while and I didn't like it that well. I'm just meant for blonde, what can I say?! I stick with what works.
Christy: I just love the color purple. What does it make you think of? What kind of person does it make you think of?
Karen: Oh, I LOVE purple. Although I have several colors that I love. Purple makes me feel warm. It makes me think of a good natured, loving friend.
Christy: Hey, if you had to refer to people by a color they reminded you of, what color would your best friends be? Your family members? Significant Other?
Karen: My best friends would be purple, good friends jade green, most of my family blue (comforting), and my one pain in the butt sister, the absolute ugliest yellow I can think of. LOL! I'm rotten...
Christy: I love getting mail but I am so damn hypocritical when it comes to that because I just suck at keeping up with correspondence. Who did you write your last letter to? Not email but snail mail. Okay email to since snail mail is so archaic.
Karen: It was my nephew when he was in Detroit, last one was in March. I did sent a birthday card to my friend Carol on Saturday and put a little note in it, but I don't consider that a letter.
Christy: Sorry I was late meeting up with you today but I was shopping for this damn haircolor. Thanks for helping me out with this one. What was your worst hair experience?
Karen: Probably when I was 17 and luminized it. It was the ugliest yellow. AWFUL! In fact, I had to cut my long hair because it damanged it.
Christy: I just have to get that breast reduction soon. Would you ever have any cosmetic surgery done? Or have you ever and just not told me about it yet???
Karen: Hmmm... if I had cosmetic surgery I think it would have to be lyposuction. LOL!!! Maybe when I'm older and my boobs start to droop I'll get them lifted. I don't want to look like I've got two oranges in tube socks!