Saturday, October 5

Saturday-8: "When I was a Kid..."
  1. What was your favorite song? Do you remember it word for word now? I had several favorite songs: Feel Like Making Love (Bad Company), Rock n' Roll Fantasy (Bad Company), Carry on my Wayward Son (Kansas), More Than a Feeling (Boston), Stairway to Heaven (Led Zep), etc. And yes, I do remember them word for word. I have 4 older bros and sis's so I listened to the music they did as teenagers.
  2. What was your favorite cartoon? If you watch cartoons now... what is your current favorite? I'd have to say... Scooby Doo is still my favorite cartoon. I don't watch any of the "new" cartoon but will find myself watching Scooby and the cartoons I grew up with as they come on Cartoon Network. tee hee
  3. What was your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Do you still like that dish? Malt-O-Meal, Fruity Pebbles, Captain Crunch (with Berries) and of course Captain Peanut Butter Crunch. I've been know to have a bowl of the Captain every now and again... went through a Malt-O-Meal phase as well not long ago. Tasted soooo yummy on a cold winter's day.
  4. Were you scared to look under the bed or at the closet @ night? Why or why not? Yes, I was. Both actually. Always thought some monster or bugs were hiding to get me.
  5. Who was your first crush? Do you still know the person? First crush was probably John ?? (can't even remember his last name now!) when I was in grade school. No, have no clue where he is now.
  6. If you "celebrate" Halloween... what was your favorite costume? My favorite costume was the Good Witch. I had a mask, beautiful frilly dress (Mom made it), and a wand. Too bad I grew out of the dress before too long.
  7. Were you a daydreamer? What did your daydreams consist of? Yes, I was a daydreamer... still am. They consist of anything and everything. Mostly that I'll win the lottery or sweepstakes and help my family and friends, then have my very own dream house, go back to school, then meet the man of my dreams. Oh, what a dream...
  8. As a kid... what age did you think was sooooo old? What age do you think is OLD now? I thought 70 was really old. Now I think 90 is really old.