Sunday, October 27

Let it be known that I HATE the ending of Daylight Savings Time. I wish they'd just leave it be. I go to work in the dark, that doesn't bother me, but I really hate coming home in the dark as well. In the dead of winter it gets completely dark at 5pm. How nuts is this?! I could see 6pm or 7pm but 5?! I get home at 4:30 and if there is a storm, its dark then. Just hate it! GRRR! I'm feeling quite restless. It started last night and is still here this morning. I had some dreams that I couldn't get out of my head, and couldn't go back to sleep. I know part of it is the time change. Who the hell gets up at 5:30am on a Sunday? Hmmm...well, I guess I do. I actually was awake since 4am, and couldn't lay there any more. Didn't want to read, didn't want to watch TV. So I'm doing laundry, which is my Sunday morning ritual anyway. I've decided my favorite dresses are my crinkly rayon and velvet ones. No muss, no fuss. Wash, then twist and let dry. Voila. Done. I'll do just about anything to avoid ironing. If something needs to be ironed, I usually toss it in the dryer while I'm in the shower. The wrinkles disappear, if not, the item will not be worn. I've actually thrown clothes out because I'd rather do that than iron. That's how bad I loathe ironing. I cleaned out my closet again yesterday, getting rid of things I'm never going to wear again, putting away my summer tops, and making room for the levis and slacks I discovered fit me. YAY. Closet is full again. Got rid of 2 bags of clothes (they'll be donated to a charity place). No doubt my Mother will go through them first though, to see what I'm giving away. That really chaffes my ass when she does that. I tie off the bags so its impossible to untie without destroying the bags, but she gets in there anyway. Can I not give a way things I want?! I think she's going through them to see if there's anything for my sister Kathy... nope, sorry there's nothing I have that would fit her in her current state. She's bigger than I was when I started losing weight. Its sad, I know how awful it feels to be that large, but I have worked hard to get all the weight off (still have a ways to go). She could do the same if she really wanted to. Its so hard to start though. Its so hard to be trapped in a body you think you'll never be out of. Its depressing, its a nightmare. Happy Sunday everyone!!