Monday, July 28

Well, its Monday... how did it come so soon again?! Time just goes by too quickly on the weekends. I've just gotten to work and am settling in. I see all the e-mail in my inbox and want to cringe, but I'll take one at a time. This week shouldn't be too crazy, unless something comes up that I don't know about. I forgot to write about the excitement in my neighborhood (well, this IS exciting for my neighborhood) over the weekend. When I got home on Thursday, there was a policeman sitting in front of my neighbor's house across the street. I thought it was odd, thinking maybe something was really wrong. So I told my Dad and he went over to see what was going on. Apparently my neighbor had seen a bobcat in her garage. The policeman couldn't find it, so he sat in her driveway for a while and kept watch while filling out some reports. After a couple of hours, he gave up and left. He thought my neighbor had lost her mind and was seeing a stray, wild cat. She asked him if stray cats have pointed ears, spots on their back and brilliant yellow eyes... Ummm... no. Saturday rolls around and the bobcat decided to show up again (or he could have just stayed and hid in their garage). It was indeed a bobcat. They had animal control come out and get him, tranquilize him, etc. Luckily no one got hurt. We live close to the mountains - probably about a mile or so from the base of the mountain range but we've never seen so much as a deer in my neighborhood, so this was really strange. Well, I better get to my e-mail! Have a great day everyone! Chant for today "We love Mondays... we love Mondays."
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