Monday, July 21
OOOHHHH 104 outside! TOO DAMN HOT! At least the air con was working half way today. It stayed under 80 degrees inside. They're still working on it trying to get it to work right, we knew it would be an "all summer" job. Figures.
Today was a pretty good day, I got my written portion of my report done and tomorrow - if I get my files from the Bart dude as requested - I can start on my financials. I hadn't gotten them by the time I left, but hopefully they'll be there waiting for me in the morning? Too much to ask for? Hmmm... we'll see. He's usually pretty good at getting them to me when I ask or at least telling me when he'll get them to me.
OK - I'm outta here, gonna get in a nice cool shower before I hit the hay! Have a great night!