Monday, September 16

I am ITCHY! Seems I'm having a reaction to my new RA meds, Arava. I've contacted my doctor's office and the nurse said it sounded like liver toxicity (I have a couple other symptoms as well) which this medication has been known to cause. She said she'd call me back after she talks to the doctor. That was 3 hours ago. Sigh. So here I am, red spots all over me looking and feeling like the Chicken Pox Queen waiting for them to call me back. I also had trouble breathing, but not severely (taking benedryl)... since I'm OK I don't need to rush to the ER unless it gets worse. Did I mention that I ITCH?! UGH! Waiting, waiting, waiting. The nurse said the he'd probably just give me a med that will flush this out of my system so I'm not very worried, I just want to know what we need to do!! The benedryl is making my quite loopy (more than my natural loopiness). Weeeeee!!!