Sunday, August 10

I had such a GREAT time last night!!!! Dinner was a lot of fun, there were about 11 of us and the food was really good. The play was absolutely fantasitc!!! My cousin Kelsey did such a fab job as Annie. Her character was just a riot, her accent was a hoot and her singing was excellent. She looked like she was just having the time of her life up there on the statge. We're all so proud of her!!! Its so cool to see someone you know up on the stage, it makes the play all that more fun to watch. My asshole BIL Ellis decided to come home this morning after being gone a week. He just turns this house upside down when he's here - brings so horrible vibes with him. Mom and Dad aren't happy he's back, they've actually started to admit they like him being gone. But Kathy has to be the one who tells him to get lost once and for all. My Aunt Lou Jean was going to stay until tomorrow, but she told Mom this morning that she felt like she needed to go home a day early. Mom felt really bad, and after Mom went upstairs, Lou Jean talked to me about why she felt like she needed to go home. She thought my Mom had too many things going on with Kathy, Ellis, and the baby. I told her that having her here has been such good medicine for Mom and asked her to reconsider staying until tomorrow. I changed her mind, and she's going to stay. She just came back downstairs from telling Mom she decided to stay - and Mom was really happy and Lou Jean said that she almost started to cry because she was so happy. Makes me feel good too. I'm not going to do much of anything today, I'm really exhausted and have a sore throat. My shoulder and wrist are feeling better (haven't had to take pain pills today). So... rest for me! I hope everyone has a great Sunday!