Saturday, June 1

I'm such a dork. Why am I such a dork?? I just mowed the lawn and was going around a tree when all of the sudden the tree started moving like crazy!! I jumped back, moved the lawn mower and tried to see what was causing the tree to move so much... thought maybe it was a baby bird or something. Couldn't see a thing, so I figured it went away. Started moving the mower towards the tree again, tree started moving again... mysteriously... moved back again... went forward, tree moved... moved back, tree stopped moving. This went on for 4 or 5 times until it dawned on me that it was the exhaust from the mower causing it to move! DUH!!! ROFL!!! I got quite a chuckle at my own expense. I must add for my defense - I have been attacked by a mother Robin for trying to help her baby out of a window well, so I am a bit leery of the wondrous creatures since then. Have a busy day... started out by getting up early and staining the remaining two sides of the gazebo. By the time I was done, Mom and Dad came outside and started moving some rocks around, re-doing some of the flower beds. So I helped them move and place the rocks. No, I shouldn't have been doing that - but neither should they... so what the hell, it would be easier on them for me to help. We got all the rocks arranged and it looks great. Then I mowed the lawn. I guess after all that, I can consider myself worked out. ;-) I'm taking the day off from my exercise routine. I must go take a nice loonnng hot shower now because I stink!