Tuesday, June 18

So, what's one of the top 10 most embarrassing things to do that you could imagine doing (completely by accident)?? I just did one of my top 10. I was just coming back from lunch, walking through the computer room, as I came around a blind corner (where I have always slowed down and walked cautiously to see if anyone was coming in the other direction, but today I was oblivious) and BOOM ran into a man. Now I didn't just run into him head on, but the back of my hand met with his crotch. OMG... can I be any more mortified? Nope. I didn't know him and I hope he doesn't ever come in this building again. He gave a little grunt as I met with said crotch so I knew it was not a pleasurable experience. I'm sure was purple with embarrassment, and I apologized, saw he was OK (he was still standing, not hunched over) then I practically ran out of the room. OK, so now I'm getting the giggles over it... oh man! At least the back of my hand made contact instead of the front - then it would have been a cupping contact! ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry Mister!!!!