Monday, June 24

Yesterday turned out better than I thought it would. In a previous post, I stated that I felt better after my workout, well it turns out I know the real reason I felt better… Kathy actually left. I think I know the precise moment she left – I felt such relief that I couldn’t explain it. Bingo. I’m so sensitive to negative energies so when they’re gone, its like the positive comes pouring back in. I basked in the sunshine, finished my laundry, puttered about doing little things, then cooked Sunday dinner. I went to bed early, watched one of my favorite movies “The Boyfriend School”, then fell asleep during “Harry Potter”. Not that is a falling asleep type movie, I was just exhausted. I woke up 2 hours later and couldn’t go back to sleep for a couple more hours because my mind wouldn’t shut up. Hate that… Have a great Monday everyone!