Saturday, June 15

I'm feeling soooo much better today. Was a little congested when I first woke up, but now I'm not. I went out and mowed the lawn, then came in and worked out. Tried out my wonderful new exercise bike. I took things slow, did 3 miles in 12 minutes. I'll work up to things slowly and make this part of my routine. I only did 5 minutes on the Orbitrek because my legs felt like total rubber by the time I was done with the bike. I feel really good now though. I'm about to take a quick shower before heading outside to bask in the sun. Why take a shower since I'm just going out to be in the sun? Does sound strange, but if I don't then the wasps, hornets, bees, and any bug (the rotten buggers) imaginable tend to like me more than if I go out there after I've been sweating profusely. Have nice day everyone!!! :-)