Wednesday, March 26

What a crazy Wednesday! I had so many things I needed to do, more things kept cropping up and I had to be gone to my doc appt from 9:15 to 1:30! UGH! I missed my 1:00 meeting, but they said I didn't miss anything. I got x-rayed, ekg'd, poked, and prodded, but it wasn't too bad. I got my first shots today of the "real" clinical trial meds. I've been given a month's worth so I'll give myself the shots again once a week. I don't have to see them again until April 23, unless there's a problem. I asked Dr B about a handicapped parking sticker for when I needed it, and he said I surely qualify so we filled out the paperwork and I'll send it off. YAY! Will make things easier when I'm in a lot of pain. Blaise asked if I was going to write about what Linda's response to my letter was... well, there hasn't been any response. I'm not at all surprised she didn't respond, from how she's acted the past few months. You'd think after 7 years of close friendship it would be different. I'm hurt by all of it, but I need to concentrate on my life, getting well, and on my other friends and loved ones - that's about all I can do. Carry on...