Wednesday, March 12

I'm a little behind posting this morning. I've been really busy printing things and burning some CDs. I have a ton of database work to do, since yesterday there were errors and it took a while to get sorted out so I've got to finish it all today. I don't have to see my RA doc today (yipee!), the appt has been postponed until they get the clinical trial meds in, which should be next week. I cannot believe how good I feel today! I'm still still and sore in some joints, but no major pain! I have a feeling this prednisone pack is behind it - as well as everyone's prayers and support. I woke up about 3am and had to pee. I was out of bed and half way to the bathroom when I realized I practically jumped out of bed and was moving faster than I have in months! Tears of joy started rolling down my face. Incredible. Just incredible. Have a super fantastic day!!!