Sunday, March 23

Question of the Week by Sara is up, go play. My answer is on my meme site. I was up early again today, couldn't sleep any more and needed to take my meds (its better to stay on a schedule). I'm just going to take it easy today, maybe finish the book I've been reading. It *finally* got really good last night. Woohoo! Naughty, naughty... surprised I could sleep at all after reading it. *snicker* Its supposed to rain, so I won't be enjoying any lovely sunshine today, but that's OK... I can stay in my PJ's all day if I want too, that's one good thing about rainy Sundays. I got my corporate credit card yesterday in the mail, so I'm ready to travel! Woohoo! It is taking a lot of the pressure off having me put up the money first then being reimbursed. Now I'll use that card for travel and just pay the balance off when I get my reimbursement. I'm going to be working at a conference in Salt Lake at the end of April that my organization sponsors. We'll be working long hours, so we can stay down there in a hotel. Pretty much all my organization goes down and works at one thing or another. I'll be working in one of the "tracks" as they call them - just one of the sessions of speakers. I'll be the one in the back of the room passing out handouts, greeting people as they come in, answering questions, and timing the speakers. Such power, I hold up signs telling them when they've got 10, 5, and 1 minutes left... and of course when they have to STOP and get off the stage. tee hee I've worked the conference before and really have a great time. People are so friendly and the vendor booths are fun to get toys from. There are usually some nice looking men... some in sexy uniforms and others in yummy suits. THEN of course I'm going to BOSTON in May to support a workshop. I hope everyone enjoys their days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!