Tuesday, March 25

I got off work 45 minutes early to go to my general doc to get my weekly iron IV treatment. I got there, 10 mins early or so (traffic was good!) and read my magazine and waited about 20 minutes. Only to find out their iron IV shipment didn't come in. So, I'll call on Thursday to make sure its there, and go in. I wasn't upset, the office is like 5 mins from home, and I got home a few mins early. Today was a pretty good day, I really had a hard time wanting to work. Spring Fever, I guess and I just felt like goofing off a bit. I went to talk to Nicole for a while, and we talked to Dave, who is a total crack up. Those two had me laughing so hard, telling me about some adventures they had at a conference in Boston, as well as a beauty of a prank that was played on Dave. My face and stomach hurt so much from laughing. After a while, we ended up playing pranks on her two cubemates Janna and Chelene. We sabataged Janna's new chair, and messed with Chelene's computer. They of course blamed Nicole, but she told them I helped. tee hee Chelene said she'd forgotten I was a prankster since it had been so long since I played a joke! Look out... I'm baaack ;-). I'm beat so I'm gonna head off now. Toodles!