Saturday, March 22

Well, I just finished typing a 4-page letter back to Linda. I asked her to be specific about the things she was accusing me of. Frankly (and I told her this) I think she's grasping at straws as far as the things she accused me of. I explained how I've felt and how her deserting me in my hour of need was really selfish on her part. Anyway, I've e-mailed this monster of a reply. We'll see what she says on Monday after reading it - if she can say anything at all. On to other things - good things. Mom and I went to town yesterday and ran some errands. I had a few things to get at Wal-Mart, and wanted to get my towels and magnets for the exchange I'm participating in. Towels were easy to find, cute magnets were easy to find. BUT trying to find any magnets for the state of Utah proved to be nearly impossible. By the 7th store we went to, we decided we were women on a mission. We were going to find these magnets even if it killed us (tee hee). Finally, store #10 had them. I hope other participants don't have that much trouble finding their state magnets! It was almost fun being on a quest to find these magnets. After we found them, Mom said... "Oh, you should have told me you needed these 2 weeks ago, they had scores of them in the tourist shops in Southern Utah." We both cracked up! Too late! LOL!! Nothing too exciting on the agenda today. I'm going to relax, do some reading, and if I get ambitious, clean out my closet of big clothes, and see what smaller stuff I can fit into. I'm not feeling all that ambitious right now, so maybe tomorrow... Hope everyone has a great day - and thanks for all your support!!