Wednesday, January 15

OMG - I feel like shit. Yesterday at the workshop, I started getting a bad headache, and was a little nauseous. I had soup for lunch, which sounded really good, then about 2pm I started feeling really sick, so I decided to just go home. I couldn't concentrate on the workshop. Well, I left in the nick of time because as soon as I got in the parking lot, and opened my car door, I got sick. Oh the humility. Tossed my lunch, literally. I slept most through the night, between sieges of my other problem and getting up to drink jello juice (Mom's remedy). I'm still feeling quite rough so I don't think I'm going to attempt to go to the workshop this morning, which really bums me out because its a good workshop. Maybe this afternoon I'll feel up to going, hopefully! OK... off to give myself my shots and to go back to bed! Happy Hump Day!