Wednesday, January 29

Holy shit! I can't believe I went all day long without posting anything here! LOL! My brain was out to lunch. I managed to do the Wednesday memes but blew this off. I didn't really have all that much to say anyway... I would have complained horribly this morning because my joints hurt so bad that I had to take pain pills while I was at work. I know, I shouldn't have gone into work, but I really couldn't stand the thoughts of staying here moping around when I wouldn't have felt any better. So I figured that I'd go to work and be paid to be miserable and do some work to get my mind off the pain. It sure seems like my blog has become a complainer's paradise lately with all my health stuff. I'm really trying to keep a positive attitude and concentrate on getting well. I made an appt with my general doc for Friday because I think he needs to re-evaluate my high blood pressure meds since my BP has been dropping so much AND I'm out of pain pills. Actually the last pain pills he prescribed was Oct of 2001 so they're over a year old, sooooo I'm not supposed to keep them longer than a year anyway so I'll get some more pills while I'm there. I also wanted to make sure he was in the loop about all my other problems as of late. I came home from work tonight and headed directly for the bathtub where I soaked in hot water and lovely LUSH bath stuff. I had the cotton candy scent, it felt sooooooooooo good!! Ahhhhh! I almost didn't get out, but my skin started to pucker. tee hee I fixed dinner, ate dinner and soon I will shuffle myself off to my nice warm and cozy waterbed. Last night I was asleep by 6pm and I'm thinking I'll do the same tonight. I'm so damn tired! 6pm is only 1.5 hrs earlier than I normally go to sleep so in that context its not *that* early since I get up at 3:30am to be to work by 5am. Tomorrow is my FRIDAY! YAY!! I've been enlisted to burn 100 CDs for two workshops next week, and that will be my number one priority tomorrow. Larry WILL get me the files tonight - they should be sitting on my desk right now, or will be soon so I can start burning first thing in the morning. Fun, huh? I made labels for them and they'll look pretty spiffy. It shouldn't be too bad of a day tomorrow, the only other stuff I need to do is my database work. I ran into one of my flirting buddies today, Joe. He's such a funny guy - and pretty sexy. We tease each other once in a while when we see each other in the hall. Today, he saw me and got this look in his eyes and a huge smirk on his face. I asked what he was thinking... and he said he couldn't tell me, it was too bad. So I said, "Thanks, Joe. Now all sorts of naughty thoughts are going to be running through my mind wondering what you are thinking." We laughed and went our seperate ways. Just as I was going home, I was just coming out of the restroom as he was about to go into the men's room. He got that look on his face again, and asked me if I ever figured out what he was going to ask me. LOL! I said, "No, but I sure had fun trying to figure it out." Then he said, "OK, I'll tell ya... I saw you earlier and the first thing that came to mind is wondering if you were wearing panties under your dress!" I cracked up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He turned all red and was laughing too. Then, I said "Joe, the answer is no. Just nylons." We both just laughed and he said "I really gotta go now!" He turned around really fast and went into the restroom. Hmmm... I think I got him! SCORE for me! OK... I'm off like a dirty shirt!