Tuesday, February 4

Whew... its been a long day! Mom took me to get my scope done, and when we got there, the doc was behind, so we waited about an hour and a half until I got called back. Everything went fine though. I went to la-la land and I woke up and it was all over with. There was nothing that was complicating the ulcerative colitis which is GOOD. They did find a small hiatle (sp?) hernia (doesn't require any treatment at this time), and as they suspected scar tissue and narrowing of my esophagus caused by acid reflux. So, I now join in the ranks of those who take that little purple pill. At least its purple... I like purple. LOL! Yeah, I guess I'm still a bit loopy from the la-la land drugs. The doc stretched my esophagus and got rid of the scar tissue, so my throat is a bit sore is all. No biggy. I ate a grilled cheese sandwich when I got home... that was a mistake. Even though I took small bites and chewed well, it hurt going down. I will have SOUP for dinner. It was snowing like mad the whole time I was there, and on the way home. We had to take my car because Dad needed his, and of course my sister had my Mom's. It wasn't a big deal for me to drive to the doc office, but Mom had to drive it home. What a riot that was! Its been a lot of years since she's driven a stick-shift, let alone in the snow! We eventually made it to the pharmacy, then home. I think Mom's nerves were more frazzled by the drive than I was! LOL! I don't do very well with someone else driving my car. It just feels wrong to sit in the passenger seat in my car. Anyhoo... I got home about 2 hrs ago, and watched Ice Age! I LOVED that movie! I best be off now, back to bed I go...