Saturday, May 18
Wow - here's today's horoscope (a little late in reading it!)
When are these negative feelings going to go away? Aquarius is easily absorbed in the moment's energy, which changes from one moment to the next. Have some patience as you listen for the call that you know will be coming. Although it might seem a long way off right now, keep in mind that pleasure and self-improvement can happen at a time when your services are less in demand. Forcing the issue isn't likely to bring about the desired results.
I think I need to take this advice and listen to the dreams I've been having - me thinks this has to do with J and him being the pain in my ass that he is right now. I just need to relax and let things flow, and while I'm doing that, continue to work on things that I need to for me. There's nothing like something to smack me up the side of the head.