Thursday, May 30

Work was CRAZY today. I was trying to get all the things done I needed to, so I really busted my butt. The last hour I saved to do my database stuff, and when I got into the database, it gave me an error... went to talk to the database administrator and he wasn't in, darn it! I couldn't do any work on it! Really ruined my day... ;-) I will have loads to do on Monday, but oh well... I was really tired today. I managed to break a way at lunch to go see my good friend Linda who is in the hospital recovering from surgery. I'd talked to her and she said she was getting along fine, but to see her made me feel better. She looked great. We chatted for a while, then she told me that one of the things she had to do before she left the hospital tomorrow is fart. Crap - I forgot my fart machine! I could have helped her out... faked the nurses out ;-) We started giggling about that, then I said "Hey nurse... listen to THIS" and pretended to set off the remote remote a few times and made farting noises." I really got her laughing... and it hurt her to laugh... kind of not nice. I do need to get the fart machine out though, there are some new people in our building that I could get. BUT if I did it while Linda was away, my cover as the "sweet and innocent" one would be blown. I should vow not to play any pranks until she gets back. I did that same thing when she was off work and it made her mad (in a funny way). Everyone was convinced after that that I was the nice one and Linda was the instigator. Some of my close friends knows that isn't true though... haven't got everyone fooled. I got my yearly review completed and hope I did a good job "selling" myself. Thanks to Colin, for helping me with the wording. Sometimes its good to have an extra set of eyes and he's got such a knack for writing. My boss also told me to add a couple of software that I know since I forgot. I won't know if I'm getting a good raise for a couple weeks yet though, my review has to go through a bunch of hooey to get approved. Looking forward to the weekend, not much planned though. Maybe I'll rent a movie or two that I've been wanting to see. Mom took pity on me and put the second coat of stain on the one level of the deck that needed it - what a sweetie. So now all I need to do is the two remaining sides of the gazebo. I will NOT over do things this weekend. I'm just barely starting to be able to move good again.