Life sure has a way of teaching us how important our loved ones are, after we forget how precious they are.
I received an e-mail last week from my friend Linda, who I've been on the "outs" with for a few months. Long story - some of you might remember the story of how it all started. Anyway, the e-mail she sent me told me that she and her husband had been in Australia visiting his parents. His Dad has been ill for years, but while they were there, he had to be hospitalized and had surgery on a blood clot, and had other things wrong. They'd gone through hell while there, but it made her realize just how important and precious family and loved ones are.
Two days after they arrived home, her FIL passed away. Her husband flew back to Australia but she couldn't go because she was taking her Mom to Nebraska for a family reunion over the weekend, and because of finances. Yesterday, they spread her FIL's ashes in a park near where he lived, that was what he wanted. She wrote me an e-mail and told me what was going on and it truly broke my heart. She said some very thought-provoking and very insightful things in this e-mail.
I realized - even more than I did from last week's e-mail just how precious life is. Even more than my experiences as of late - we need to concentrate on the good things in life, treasure them and don't forget how fortunate we are to have our loved ones in our lives. We need to look for the good where ever we go, however small the good. Even when we are so overwhelmed with bad things, as we all do if we can just concentrate on seeing a glimpse of something positive, it will help us overcome the bad.
As soon as I got the e-mail from Linda yesterday, I called her. But she didn't answer the phone, she was having a real struggle and couldn't bring herself to answer the phone. She did return my call last night though and we talked for over an hour! It was so great actually talking to her, instead of e-mails. She told me how much she cherished me and our friendship and how much she loved me. We've still got some talking to do, some mending of hearts, etc. but we've started talking and that's the important thing. We bring out the silly side of each other, and I really miss that. I sincerely hope we can get back to where we once were, or close to it. I don't want to have to be afraid to tell her certain things in my life. I want to be able to trust her completely again.
We were so close for 7 years, and despite all the hurt lately, I really don't want to throw it away. We've both done a lot of changing over the past year or so, some good, some bad. Now it looks like more good is coming.
I know I'm guilty of not being compassionate and more understanding with my sister Kathy and her situation, and most of that is coming from her not doing anything to help herself, take care of her daughter, and taking complete advantage of my parents. Maybe one day we can rebuild our relationship because I do love her. For now I need to keep my distance because the situation isn't good for my health. I know that does sound selfish, but its what I've got to do. Enough about that situation, I want to concentrate on the good things!
I've also rambled on and on this morning... I need to get to work! Happy Hump Day and tell at least one person in your life how much you love and cherish them.
Here's a laugh for the day... damn - my teeth have a lot more fun than I do! I gotta do something to change that! LOL!!