Friday, November 22

This afternoon, I joined the masses to see Harry Potter. I think the theatre could have done with showing it on all 9 screens instead of just 2. It was jammed packed and we went to the 2:30 show! We had to split up - Linda was behind me but Brian and I sat together. I wish Linda could have sat by us. She gave me custody of the licorice which wasn't a good thing. I kept nibbling on the damn stuff and came out of there with such a sugar rush and headache. The movie was really good, I loved it in fact. BUT I_did_not_like the spider scene. OMG. I'm gonna have creepy crawly nightmares. Ewww. Icky spiders. So, if you haven't gone to see it yet, you need to - fun for all ages. I went ahead of Brian and Linda to buy the tickets so they wouldn't have to leave work so early. I stood in line for about 15 minutes while this large man with a dicky-do (when your stomach sticks out further than your dicky do) that kept breathing down my neck. He had beer breath and it was awful. I kept turning my neck and giving him a dirty look and he just seemed to come closer. As if the breath wasn't bad enough, he starts burping (the beer I guess) then I KNOW he farted a couple of times, the smell was so awful it brought tears to my eyes to keep from gagging. His gut grazed my ass a couple of times, I guess he was getting his jollies, I don't know. I was about to turn and say something when it was my turn at the window. Then, he went to the window next to me and asked how many people had been sold tickets to the 2:30 show. The girl replied "64" and he said, "No thank you, I'll pass for now." Then he left. He stood there all that time to not even buy a ticket and while standing there making my existence miserable. Thanks, dude. EEUURRGHH.