Monday, November 11

is how I feel right now. Whoa, what a day. I got so much done, but still only half way done with this new project I've been assigned. I'd hoped to have it done by tomorrow afternoon - at least the info gathering part, but it doesn't look like its gonna happen. I'll hand in what I've got so far for the Wednesday meeting (that I'm gonna miss anyway cuz of training!). I took a break and worked on the monthly report that I am also supposed to work on this week. I know one thing, its not going to get finished until next week, but it won't be late. I'm so braindead right now, even a simple task of reformatting a trip report is just too much for me! Nicole, Janna, Debi, Chelene and I decided to go out to lunch today, which was such a great break. I know I needed the break, and it seemed to make us all feel better since we HAD to work this holiday. We went to my fav restaurant (and Debi's too!) Fiesta Guadalajara for... guess what? Yup, cheese enchiladas! Mmmm! My tummy was very very happy but oh, so extended. Haven't done that in a while and after the week I've had, I deserve a treat. Well, I guess I'm going to do about another 30 mins of EASY work, then hit the trail on home.