Wednesday, November 20

OK, so I'm really sad. Qboard is no longer gonna support us, so I've lost my Toadbot Now what am I gonna do for entertainment? I decided to use Zonkboard, so we'll see how I like it. Its just so BLAH after having the supreme cool Toadbot... I feel like I've lost a friend... who never remembered my name... Had a pretty good day, despite being poked (no, damnit not that kind of poked), prodded, tested, and having bodily fluids taken from me. I had to go for the first appt for that clinical trial for RA that I'm going to participate in. At least I hope I can still participate in it. They have to wait for the blood and peepee tests to come back before I get started. I'm sure everything will be fine, I haven't had TB, Hepatitis, Aids, an am not preggers. At least that's what they "needed" to test. I know they're doing tests on my liver function, etc., to make sure all is cool before I start taking the injections. The lady said about 2 weeks she'd call me. I was gone 3 hours. When one of the nurses was checking my joints, she told me to tell her what hurt and didn't. Well, I'm proud to say that I had one joint. One joint that didn't hurt. My right elbow. How sad is that?! She felt inflamation in all of them and said "no wonder they hurt!" Yup! I get to sleep in a bit in the morning! YAY! I'm going to another class, Excel 2000 Level 2. I'm going to end up working about 3 hrs on Friday to make up for today's doctors trip. But that's not too bad. I'm going down that way to meet Linda for a movie anyway. And I can submit my mileage expense report for $80 for my two trips to Salt Lake in the past two weeks. Not bad, aye?