Tuesday, November 5
OMG. Just got back from "the lunch". Excuse me, but if you ask about something, then have the courtesy to let me finish telling about it before you interrupt me with either 1) one of your stories 2) a question about something else or 3) some weird comment. I felt like I couldn't get a word in edgewise. Then when I was quiet and listened to him babble on about something, he'd say "how come you're quiet?" Ummm... duh. He asked me to drive since I park in a parking lot next to the building and he has to park way out in another lot. I didn't really mind, at least I knew I could dump him out the door and drive off if I wanted/needed to. tee hee He just totally yacked my ear off. As we parted company after lunch:
Him: "Well, I enjoyed this, thanks... maybe we can do lunch again."
Me: "Yeah, maybe..." I started to walk away...
Him: "I'll come over again..."
Me: "OK, to BS would be all right..." me still walking away...
Him: "Or go out to dinner..."
Me: (almost running!) "Thanks again! Gotta get back. See you later..."
Earlier a funny thing happened. I was ripping off a new garbage liner for my shredder and it made a PHFFT sound - and really sounded like a fart. My boss was just walking by and said,
Boss: "My goodness, Karen! Was that you?"
Me: giggling "No, it was the garbage liner..."
Boss: "Uh huh..."
Me: "Really, it was... want me to rip another one?" Ummm at this point I just had to stop talking! I need to wear this sign. He laughed and walked a way.