Tuesday, May 6

Just a quicky post before I start another crazy day! Its gonna be nuts again. Oh well... I'm taking one thing at a time. I'm feeling a bit funky today but otherwise OK. I think I'm just tired. Last night as I was about a block from home, I saw my parents car coming in the other direction. We stopped in the middle of the road (yes, I cuss at people who do that but there was no one else on the road tee hee) to see where they were going. There was a passenger in the back seat, my Aunt Lou Jean! She'd come from Idaho and was on her way to Salt Lake to stay with her daughter, and they were on their way to get some dinner. They invited me, so I swung my car around and followed them to the local family drive in and had a ham sandwich. Lou Jean and I noticed a guy and his family sitting in another booth. This is so awful, but we couldn't help but laugh. This guy was heavy, and his pants were half way down his ass, and his shirt wasn't covering anything. Full Moon at Kirt's Drive Family Drive-in! His underwear were even half way down so we did see actual ass crack. My Mom kept saying "OK, you two..." Its so sad though, I wonder if he was even aware of it. Then Lou Jean said something about his moon being an "appetizer" and I started giggling and said "No, its more of an appetite killer. Maybe we should start calling this the Full Moon Diet." My Dad started laughing at that one. We went home, and Lou Jean drove to Salt Lake. When I got home, my sis Susie was there to see Kathy for her b-day. I didn't say anything to Kathy (she was outside smoking when I got home) and as I was getting out of my car she actually thanked me for the card and gift certificate. Shocker. OH! I've found a new CD that's really good. Audioslave! Its got the song "Like a Stone" on it. I can't stop listening to it, its good to do financials by, gets me rocking. I best get to work now! Have a great day everyone! *hugs*