Friday, May 2

Busy day today. I got up, cleaned, got my ass in the shower and went to the doctor for my weekly iron IV treatment. When the doctor came in the room, he sat down and said, "We have a problem. Your iron count is not coming up at all despite all the efforts to bring it up. I think we need to do a bone marrow harvest to see what's going on." I about shit right then and there! I composed myself and asked why that would be necessary since its my ulcerative colitis that is causing the whole anemic/nutrition problem. He said, "Oh..." We discussed it a little further and I explained that I'm starting Remacade treatments on Monday, which will be for both the ulcerative colitis and rhuematoid arthritis. He's not going to give me any more iron - go figure on that one. Even though its not coming up, at least its not dropping. I'm so tired - literally! But he wants to wait a few weeks and see if it drops. So, we decided to let my RA doc monitor my blood tests, and hopefully the levels will start coming up on their own. I will also discuss this whole thing with my RA doc on Monday too, to let him know what's going on. I ran a couple of errands after that, then came home and had to do some work for a couple of hours, despite the long days at the conference I still had a couple to work to meet my 40. Not sure how that happened... but it worked out OK and I got some of my financials done. I went to Wal-Mart to get a couple of things, and I found a bargain bin of DVDs for $5.88! LOL! I hit the motherload! I bought a few, and found one for my Dad, a double DVD set of old Westerns. He'll be in hog heaven while watching them. I couldn't find a movie or shows for Mom, but she said as long as Dad is entertained with his Westerns, she's happy. LOL! My Dad has been having chest pains this week, and they did an EKG and blood work on him yesterday, and today they did a thalium treadmill. Dad has been due for a 3rd open heart surgery for a few years now, they watch him pretty close and are putting it off as long as they can. His heart is fine, its the arteries that are shutting down due to the insulin he takes for diabetes. I had a feeling something was up while I was gone, despite me calling Mom and Dad to see how things were, they'd say "fine". Right. I'm pretty worried right now and am hoping things are going to be OK. It could be due to all the additional stress lately that Dad has been under and we can thank my lovely sister Kathy and her husband for the majority of that. Grrr. But I won't go into that! I'm going to relax now and do some blog hopping until I'm too tired to sit here any more. G'Night!