Monday, May 26

Happy Memorial Day! Well, I've spent the majority of the morning going through my pics from Boston and printing the good ones. I do have about 4-5 fav pics that I will post tomorrow after my good bud Colin puts them on the server. We had such a great time. I had a pretty good day yesterday, I got lots of rest and just puttered about. We're having a small family BBQ this afternoon. My Dad is making his famous Dutch Oven potatoes. OH BOY! Sliced potatoes, bacon, and cheese in the dutch oven. Mmmm nothing like it. We're also having hamburgers, baked beans, etc., The potatoes will be my meal though and that's OK with me. Mmmm Mmmm can hardly wait! Nothing much else planned for today besides helping Mom get dinner ready, to be a bum and play in the sunshine a bit. I hope everyone has a great day!