Saturday, April 13

Weekend afternoons falling asleep in my recliner with Ashley sleeping on my lap is starting to become a habit. :-) Did it again today. She's such a cuddly creature and makes me feel loved. I've had Ashley for almost 9 years now. She's been such a loyal companion and is always there when I need her. Something about that purr of hers and the little noise she makes always makes me happy. I've always loved cats, and have had my fair share. I've had Ashley the longest - although she was 2 years old when I got her, we bonded right away. Mom and Dad will have the job of taking care of Ashley while I'm in England. I'm hoping they'll take my advice and not shut her down here (downstairs) alone at night... she's a very naughty kitty when she is stressed and feels isolated. I can almost understand how a mother feels when she leaves her child in someone else's care! LOL!! I haven't left her for more than 4 nights (in a row) alone in all the time I've had her. I always get the same treatment when I come back: the first 10 minutes she's incredibly happy to see me, then she gives me the cold shoulder - the attitude of "how dare you leave me!!" By the time I get settled back in home, she loves me again.