Wednesday, April 17

I came into my cubical this morning to find a card and a small gift for me. I recognized the writing right away, it was my friend Debi. Debi is one of the most caring, giving, sweetest women on this earth. She’s always cheerful and always makes you feel special. Debi wrote me the nicest note to go along with the gift – a gold and emerald pendant that she hoped I would wear to P&E’s wedding (if it matched my dress). How wonderful is that?! Tears stung my eyes at the thought that she would do that for me. Just reminds me that I’ve got some of the best people in my life and am so fortunate!!! My friends are always thinking of me and it means so much to me. Now for the weird… ever since I came to work this morning, I can hear a faint little whistle or chirp every few seconds. Not sure what it is or where its coming from… so quiet, its hard to determine where its coming from. Its gonna drive me batty if I don’t figure out what it is!!!!!!!!!!! I may really go batty… I just asked my friend Renate and she could hear it too… she mentioned that the building may have BATS up in the attic and the sound could be coming from the vent that is almost above my desk! EEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! Where the hell is the building maintenance man when we need him?? Oh, I know, he’s out on the back porch having his bi-hourly smoke!