Saturday, April 20
I got up early and got my ass in gear and worked out. My legs feel like rubber. Feel energized.
While working out on the weekends, I enjoy watching a favorite movie. Today was City of Angels with the YUMMY Nicolas Cage. Nothing like getting all hot and sweaty watching that man. *snicker* well... oh yeah... There is one or two (or three or four) favorite things I'd rather get hot and sweaty about, but we won't go there.
Not much else planned today, just going to putter around and try to stay busy. Its snowing AGAIN so that means no sunning :-( I'm so bummed. Its supposed to be yucky all weekend. Where is that nice Spring weather we were having?!!! I want it back!!! It can rain all it wants to during the work week, all I ask is that its nice on weekends. Not too much to ask, I don't think! Or at least rain at night or after prime sunning hours. Sigh.