Thursday, March 21

Thinking about recent life events, I've decided I need to put some effort to rid the negativity that has sprouted in my life. One way to get rid of negative forces is to fight it with positive forces. Since the major negativity in my life happens to be a person who's negativity I can't fight, why not spread some positive to others?! I shall make it a point to do something nice for someone at least once a day. Whether it be just a smile or some small gesture of kindness - even anonymously! I do so enjoy to do things for people, but I've been so caught up in the negative events I've been lax. It will definitely make someone feel better, which in turn makes me feel better and the positive energy will surround me. Although I don't expect the negativity to disappear completely, as we all need adversity to enjoy the good, it should dwindle away to a tolerable amount. Its amazing how good I feel just thinking about it! :-D