Sunday, March 17

How is it that one person can bring such turmoil and wreak such havoc in a household that was so peaceful? It blows my mind. I have truly tried my hardest to be more positive about my sister Kathy and what impact she has on my life. I decided not to let seeing her manipulating everyone in my family effect me. I wish I could totally, but I just can’t. About 2 months ago, we came to a compromise that her and her child would stay one night on the weekend, and part of the next day. This would be Friday night. Well, in the past 8 weeks, she’s managed to come up with lame excuses three times to stay the entire weekend. She has a husband. She has a home. She needs to stay with her husband and her husband needs to be a father to his child and a husband to his wife. She has problems, yes. Don’t we all? The point is that we try to face our problems and solve them, not run away. She comes over, sits her ass in a recliner, hands the baby off to Mom and Dad. She never cooks, never cleans, and Mom does her laundry (including husband’s and child’s). Mom hasn’t been happy that Kathy keeps over staying her welcome, because 1. she’s tired and 2. Kathy is not sticking to the compromise and causing contention. Kathy goes to Dad and asks if she can stay another night. Dad, being soft hearted and not really having a clue that he’s being manipulated, says ‘sure’. Not even getting a clue what its doing to the rest of us. Yesterday, it started festering and coming to a head. Mom tried to get Dad to understand how hard it is to have them here all the time. Dad doesn’t get it, plain and simple. He came and asked me why it’s so hard to have Kathy and the baby here. I explained again, but he walked away saying, “I just don’t understand.” I love my sister and her baby, but they have a home. This is my home – although I surely wish I were financially able to get my very own home – but its not possible right now and there is the fact that my rent money helps M&D out. I help them out any way I can. I hate contention more than anything. I don’t want to cause any problems, but my health just can’t take having a crying baby here 24 hours a day on weekends when I get the majority of my rest. While it is true that Kathy doesn’t come downstairs (where I live) when I’m home, I can still hear the noise and I can still feel her negative energy. Short visits are fine, just can’t take the long ones. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I just left to talk my rented movies back to the video store and Mom thought I was leaving. She got a terrified look on her face, which broke my heart. She’s caught in the middle and it hurts me to see her hurt. I hate it.