Thursday, March 7

Just got back from a walk across the street to the restaurant. I went with Nancy, Jan, and Kelly just to grab a salad from the salad bar. I was first in line, I got my to-go container, put some lettuce in it, then all of the sudden, this woman comes from behind all four of us and butts in front of me. She said, “hello, how are you?” I was startled, she talked like she knew me, and maybe I just didn’t recognize her. She starts getting some salad fixings, my first thought was that she must just be getting some toppings. Then she said, “Oh, I missed the lettuce. So she butted in back of me, right in front of Kelly. She got some lettuce then came back in front of me and started complaining that she’d gotten some chunks of lettuce, so she shoved her way back behind Kelly now, in front of Nancy. I finished getting my toppings, then waited for the others to finish. This woman all the while chatting with everyone. I was going to say something to her about butting, but she seemed to know us… so nothing was said. After we left the restaurant, Kelly asked me who my rude friend was. I about cracked up! No one knew who this woman was!! I suppose by being nice to us, making us think that she was with us, she got away with crowding in line. Kinda funny when you think about it… all of us wanting to say something to her and none of us doing it. If it happens again, you can be sure we’ll say something… what a smoothy! If I tried it, it wouldn’t work.