Wednesday, March 27

Song of the day: Funky by Pound. I’m feeling kinda funky today… feeling kind of strange…la la la. I forgot to take my RA meds last night at dinner like I was supposed to, so I took them this morning. Feel very funky and woozy… borderline goofy! This is why they have me take the meds at night, so I can sleep through most of this. Hate it when I forget things! It seems like I’ve been very forgetful lately, don’t know what my problem is. Maybe I’ve just had far too much on my mind. So many things to look forward to, so many new adventures ahead. :-D 5 weeks from today, I’ll be in ENGLAND!!!!!! Woohoo! Then after I get back, will be planning a trip back East to see someone special. Good things are definitely happening here. My idea about surrounding myself with positive things, and going out of my way to help others is working. I haven’t done anything grande, just little things around the office and at home. Its surely taking my mind off the negative junk. I truly believe in Karma – what goes around, comes around.