Tuesday, January 15

Seems that my poor co-worker Pam is once more the victim of a joke. Her mouse was stolen, or rather it ran away. She’s the same victim that we (cohorts Nicole and Janna) got a couple of months ago with the fart machine. She had NO clue there was a fart machine, but blamed it on her soon-departing co-worker Benjamin. She was so convinced it was him, she even thought she ‘smelled’ the farts. That was the funniest part. It went on for over a week! So, the time has come again to place the fart machine in good hiding place, Pam’s gym bag. They’ve hired a replacement for Benjamin, her name is Julie. So, we’ll get Pam and break Julie as well. Aren’t we nice?!! Yeah, yeah… makes life fun. :-) I shall plant the machine as soon as they leave for lunch… details to follow…