Friday, November 23

Thanksgiving was pretty good. Mom and I prepared most of the meal together, then my sister S came over about an hour before to help finish things. Sister K sat on her ass the entire day, didn't lift one finger. I would have liked to lift a finger in her direction when she announced to everyone that she helped out by 'staying out of the way'. But I remained calm and just started clearing the table. Her husband E didn't join us for dinner, I suppose he wanted to stay in their dreary apartment and enjoy the solitude. I told K that we all would enjoy some solitude around here, but I don't think she caught my meaning. She kept trying to stir up trouble all day long, whispering little jabs about someone in the family in who ever's ear was close (except Mom and Dad's, of course). The rest of the family came over in the early evening for pie. They all stayed for a couple of hours and visited, which was nice, but I was soooooooo happy when everyone left. Don't get me wrong, I love my family just not all at once in a small space. My niece H was being her typical self... come to think of it, she and K have a lot in common in trying to stir up trouble. She's 12 going on 20. UGH. Today I didn't go shopping!! So not in the mood. I did work on my shopping... it kept getting longer and longer... it started to depress me so I stopped. I do have the majority of the Christmas shopping done, I have picked things up all year long. I'll have quite a bit of baking to do, but that will have to wait until closer to Christmas. I could start making cookies and freezing them, but I don't trust K not to eat them while she's living here. I'll have to wait until Dec 6 to start. Yes, I am soooo looking forward to that day! More than Christmas itself at this point!!!!