Friday, November 16
I went to see the movie "Shallow Hal" today. The story line was good, I think but a lot of the exaggeration about "fat" people was bad. They had one chair break and one booth in a restaurant fall apart when the "fat" girl was sitting in them. Like that ever happens. They also had her eating all the time. I saw the making of the movie on a HBO special one night and they made this movie sound very sympathetic and realistic towards heavy or "not so good looking" people and how the world treats them. This movie really didn't. It wasn't sympathetic at all, if anything it made fun of them. The part I did like about the movie is how the inner beauty of the people was showed. I don't think I'll see this movie again.
All in all it was a good day though. L and I (and her niece came along) went to lunch and had a chance to do a bit of shopping. I went into one of my favorite stores, Bath & Body Works to get some of my favorite Tranquil Sleep body mousse and lotion. Much to my surprise and dismay, their whole line of aromatherapies changed. They now have Vanilla and Lavender Sleep products, which are basically the same as Tranquil Sleep, but the smell isn't quite the same. I'm bummed. I still bought some and hope I'll learn to love it just as much as their old stuff. I wish they'd just leave some products the same!! Why fix something when its not broke, as they say?!