Sunday, October 28

I've shocked a family of church-goers. While outside washing my car (for probably the last time by hand this year!) and enjoying the beautiful fall weather. This green mini-van drives by and suddenly slows down while approaching my house. I look up and there are two parents and several children peeping at me through the windows. Their faces almost plastered against the windows. Was I naked? No... just washing my car! Is this a crime? No... don't think so. I started cracking up at the sight of these people... my next door neighbor also happened to be washing his truck and noticed the scene and I heard him start to chuckle. We looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. I'm a sinner, I know... but I do enjoy to wash my car on Sunday mornings. I also have enjoyed the occasional dirty look from other church-goers, but nothing like this - ever. Woohoo! Success!