Saturday, September 1

So I'm a bit under the weather today... started getting a sore throat yesterday and really shouldn't have gone to my nephew A's football game (and yelled! and cheered) but I did it anyway. Not feeling so bad that I've got to stay in bed, but just icky enough to be miserable. So, I plan to stay close to my bed or recliner and do something crafty (get started on Christmas prezzies). Have to do it when the mood strikes. Although I'm in the middle of a fab romance novel, I think the crafty bug is biting me. The football game was pretty good - some disappointments though. Our team threw the ball right to the other team 3 times! Made me so mad... but then we got the ball away from them 4 times, so I guess it balances out. We did end up losing by 3 points though :-( A played rather well so it was worth going and seeing him play regardless them losing.