Friday, September 7
I'm being a TOTAL bum! I actually skipped out on A's football game, I know, bad Auntie. I've got a good excuse... starting to get a sore throat again and sitting out in the cold would be bad for me at this point. This afternoon, I stopped by the local Blockbuster and rented 6 videos. I'm set for the weekend. I've already watched two so far. "Chocolate", I loved this movie. It was such a great story about a mother and daughter carrying on a tradition of moving from town to town bringing chocolate to a small French town... Johnny Depp comes into the town with a nice Irish accent - yum. "The Gift" was really good too, it was a suspense type movie about a woman that has a psychic gift who helps solve a murder. Keanu Reeves was in this and he played a bad man, but I still think he's sexy.
I've also rented "The Wedding Planner" which I saw in the theatres... and Ooooo... Matthew McConauhy (sp??)... let's just say, drool. I rented "Hannibal" the sequal to "Silence of the Lambs", and "Family Man" (Nicholas Cage... drool again!), and "3000 Miles From Graceland" (Kevin Costner and Kurt Russell... drool, drool!). Reviews to follow as I watch them...