Wednesday, September 5

My friend S and I were really on one today... or really when aren't we when we start talking?! She's a good influence (in a naughty way!) on me and is one of my idols. I took a break and went to her cubical to chat for a few minutes. Next thing I know, my cube mate G comes to find me... don't know HOW he found me... he had some "very important information he needed from me". So, I go back to my cubical to see what "very important information" he needed. All he needed was a contract number which happens to be on every single stinking travel order he's had from the beginning of time. GRRR! So, I went back to Sandi's cube to finish our conversation a few minutes later. I asked Sandi how on earth G found me! We both looked at each other and did a 'sniffing' face... she said, he sniffed you out... and not referring to my perfume! We busted out laughing and decided G's new name would be Sniff-Doggy-Dog. Then we decided we now know the *real* reason men are called dogs... its due to their inner sense of smell for those phermones! What a crack up!!!